URS offers Information Technology Security Polices for Insurance and Government Compliance Requirements.

Every organization needs strong Information Technology (IT) Security Policies.

IT security policies are the foundation of an effective cybersecurity program and protect an organizations’ digital assets, devices, and confidential information from cyberattacks and security breaches. These policies provide guidance to an organization’s employees on how to act to protect the company’s sensitive information.  New industry standards and regulations regarding data and cybersecurity have made compliance more challenging for organizations.

Failure to have written security policies can result in increased fees & penalties, loss of contracts, denial of insurance claims, and legal actions.

Special Offer! Only $995

Ensure your organization has effective IT security policies that minimize risk, keep your data secure, and meet insurance and government compliance requirements.

URS can help develop a comprehensive set of written IT security policies that address the specific requirements of your business. Our suite of policies is professionally authored (co-developed with Mullen Coughlin, a leading cybersecurity and data privacy law firm in the US) and editable MS Word documents. Additional templates are also available.

The suite also includes, at no cost, an online portal with 24X7 breach coach, help desk, and more valuable resources.

IT Security Polices Order Form

Make checks payable to Ultimate Risk Services, PO Box 619, Norristown, PA 19408.